Board Of Governance

Muhammad Asif (Advocate)

Central Chairman

Being the Chairman of Youth Anti Terrorism Organisation of Pakistan it will be a great pleasure for me and my team to say no terrorism more in our beloved country Pakistan, all over the world and particularly in KPK. Everyone is worried about it how to stop this menace. If Allah Almighty helps us there is an easy way. Let’s our youngsters to join hands with each other to curb this bloody act once for all. I request all the Govt. functionaries, Semi Govt. Organisations and NGOs, to join hands with us for stoping it once for all.

Zahid Abbas

Central Senior Vice Chairman

The newly century is claimed to bring a new problem to the society. THE PROBLEM OF TERRORISM. This social phenomenon influences the life of many countries, putting the lives of the citizens in danger. Creating the feeling of anxiety and insecurity, turning the life of ordinary people into a horror film and making them about war. Government of many countries try TO FIGHT TERRORISM; but for some strange reason this largely unsuccessful. So why does it happen? Everyone is well aware of it that why does it happen; Now the whole world has proclaimed that we must direct as many efforts as possible to solve this problem. As soon as happened, major world countries got involved into a subtle war without any result, the war in Iraq was followed by the war in Afghanistan. Any military conflicts involved a lot of money spend and a lot of slogans proclaimed.

Syed Abbas Shah

Secretary General

Syed Abbas shah message... Peace is a global concept that is more relevant than ever in today’s society. It is not simply a concern for countries and governments; it is also a concern for individuals in their relationships with others and with the planet. Peace is linked to the harmonious coexistence of individuals in their environment, which depends on principles such as social justice, sustainability, democracy and tolerance. A culture of peace can be fostered and promoted via education not only in large projects but also in everyday life. Ordinary life is a key object of philosophical reflection from which “a humanism up to the mark of our time” can be derived, and everyday life is “where we begin to forge ourselves as people, where we can completely fulfill ourselves, in terms of work, production and rest, in married and family life, in the experience of love, freedom and recognition of the other.

Abid Jawaid

Information Secretary

Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations remains a global challenge. It causes lasting damage to individuals, families and communities. These scars run deep, and while they may fade with time, they never disappear. We need to provide long-term, multi-faceted support to victims and survivors of terrorism, including through partnerships with governments and civil society, so that they can heal, recover, rebuild their lives and help others. Supporting victims of terrorism is one way in which we live up to our responsibility to defend their rights and our common humanity. By listening to them, we can also learn much about how best to unite our communities against terrorism. We Tribute to Victims of Terrorism, I ask that we all reflect on the lives that have been changed forever as a result of terrorism. Let us commit to showing victims that they are not alone, and that the international community stands in solidarity with them, wherever they may be. In their call for healing and justice, they speak for all of us.